
The library SDM'Studio is compatible with Linux and Mac OSX platforms. Windows users are advised to make use of Docker (see section Docker Images).

The SDM'Studio platform requires the libraries below mentionned:

Install from sources

1. Prerequisite (optional) : ILOG CPLEX

Some algorithms use ILOG CPLEX solver to get solutions of linear programs. To be able to run these algorithms, download ILOG CPLEX on (opens new window) and install it.

2. Installation

To install SDM'Studio from sources, simply get sources and execute the file

git clone # you need `git` to be installed
cd sdms
./ # this will install sdms sources in /usr/local/


If you have installed CPLEX, you will need to fill in the installation path as an argument.

./ --cplex_root=/opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio201/

3. Check the installation

cd build
make test

If installation suceed, go to the Getting Started section.

Step by step installation

The step by step installation allows to better understand the different stages in the installation procedure. If you face a problem when executing or if you prefer manage dependencies by yourself, this section is for you.

Step 1 : Downloading SDM'Studio sources

git clone # you need `git` to be installed 
cd sdms

Step 2 : Installing SDM'Studio dependencies

    sudo apt-get update 
    sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libfmt-dev libgmp-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev unzip wget cmake clang
    brew install boost fmt gmp zlib zma unzip wget cmake clang
    // Make sure to add code blocks to your code group

    Step 3 (optional) : Installing ILOG CPLEX

    Download ILOG CPLEX on (opens new window) and install it.

    Step 4 : Installing de PyTorch C++ API

    Download the last version of PyTorch C++ for cxx11 ABI according to your machine requirements (download links are accessible at (opens new window) ). Uncompress the files in /opt/ directory.

    wget -O
    unzip -d /opt

    Step 5 : Compiling and installing SDM'Studio

    For the last step, let's compile the project and install it on your machine. To this end, we will create a folder called build and use CMake (opens new window) to build compilation files in this folder. We now are able to install SDM'Studio on the system.

    mkdir -p build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j8 install

    Some options can be provided when executing cmake command. These options may be used to customize the installation on your needs. For instance, a modification in the path to CPLEX can be specified with the argument cmake .. -DCPLEX_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/ILOG/CPLEX_VERSION/.

    # Command line
    cmake .. [-DOPT1=VALUE] [-DOPT2=VALUE] [-DOPT3=VALUE] 
    # For instance, the following line modifies some compiling options:
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/.local/libtorch -DCPLEX_ROOT_DIR=/opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio/ -DSDMS_BUILD_TESTS=OFF  

    Options :

    • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE : Compiling type Debug, RelWithDebInfo or Release (default : RelWithDebInfo)
    • CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH : Absolute path to libtorch (default : /opt/libtorch)
    • CPLEX_ROOT_DIR : Absolute path to CPLEX (default : /opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio201/)
    • SDMS_BUILD_TESTS : Build tests (default : ON)
    • SDMS_BUILD_DOCS : Build the documentation (default : OFF)

    The parameter CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE will change the options of the compilation. This can impact the speed of the software. Build the program in Debug mode will add the option -g and, thus, allow to use debugging tools such as valgrind (opens new window).

    Build Type Debug RelWithDebInfo Release
    Compiling time 2m30s 3m00s 3m00s
    Running time 2m40s 0m17s 0m17s

    Docker Images

    Docker provides a way to install SDM'Studio on any OS.

    I. Quick install with Docker

    Step 1. Get sources

    git clone
    cd sdms

    Step 2. Configure a development environment with Docker


    Step 3. Install SDM'Studio in the container


    SDM'Studio is now installed in the corresponding Docker container.

    II. Using pre-built images

    You can run a pre-built docker image from the Docker Hub. See available tags on DockerHub (opens new window).

    docker run --rm -ti blavad/sdms:<TAG>
    docker run --rm -ti blavad/sdms:<VERSION>-<PROCESSOR>-<TYPE> # Most of the tags follow this format

    There are three types of image (run, devel and build).

    1. Runtime Images

    The runtime images (i.e. blavad/sdms:*-run) are ready-to-run images. They allow you to run the software without having to worry about compiling it. In addition, the image is lighter.

    Usage example:

    docker run --rm -ti blavad/sdms:0.7-cpu-run
    sdms --help

    2. Development Images

    The development images (i.e. blavad/sdms:*-devel) allow platform developers to have access to a configured environment with the necessary dependencies. This type of image is particularly useful for people who want to contribute to the code with a Mac OSX or Windows platform.

    Usage example:

    # Example of running a development container where sources are bind mounted
    # - this setting allows to make local modifications to the code and test it using the docker container  
    docker run --rm -ti --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/home/sdms blavad/sdms:0.7-cpu-devel 
    How to setup the developer environment
    1. Get sources.
    # Get sources from a specific SDM'Studio repository
    git clone <SDMS_REPO>
    cd sdms
    1. Checkout to or create your working branch.
    # Checkout to the develop branch and create your own feature branch
    git checkout develop
    git checkout -b feature/<BRANCH_NAME>
    1. Now, you can add your code.

    2. Run develop image and move to the source directory.

    # Run the latest -devel image ( blavad/sdms:0.7-cpu-devel at this time )
    docker run  -ti --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/sdms blavad/sdms:0.7-cpu-devel
    # Here, the container docker is running; you will be able to compile and run your code
    cd /sdms

    5.1. If you only need to install and use SDM'Studio (slower method).

    sdms solve --help
    sdms solve -w mabc.dpomdp -a "HSVI" -f "oMDP" -h 10 -m 1 -d 1

    5.2. If you prefer a step by step compilation and usage (better method).

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. 
    make -j4 SDMStudio
    src/sdms solve --help
    src/sdms solve -w mabc.dpomdp -a "HSVI" -f "oMDP" -h 10 -m 1 -d 1

    III. Building the image yourself

    To build a custom image, you can use the Dockerfile provided. The command is :

    docker build -t sdms:<TAG_NAME> .


    The default Dockerfile will build images with PyTorch for CPU. You can specify another path to the PyTorch repository by adding the argument : LIBTORCH_URL=<PATH/TO/>.

    With custom parameters, it is possible to build an image that is configure to work with any required version of CUDA.

    docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=nvidia/cuda:<CUDA_TAG_NAME> --build-arg LIBTORCH_URL=<PATH/TO/CUDA/LIBTORCH> --target dev -t sdms:<TAG_NAME> .
    docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=nvidia/cuda:10.2-cudnn7-devel-ubuntu18.04 --build-arg LIBTORCH_URL= --target dev -t blavad/sdms:0.7-cuda10.2-cudnn7-devel.

    It will then be possible to instanciate a container from previously built image in interactive mode.

    docker run --rm -ti sdms:<TAG_NAME>

    IV. Grid'5000 users

    The following contains few commands that could help Grid'5000 users in their use of SDM'Studio under this server. To run experiments with GPUs on Grid'5000, one could follow the procedure below.

    Procedure to follow on Grid'5000
    # Connect to a site on grid'5000
    ssh (site).g5k
    # Get SDMS sources on g5k with the way you prefer (git clone, scp or rsync)
    git clone <SDMS_REPO>
    cd sdms/
    # Reserve a node with GPUs (params should be adapted to your needs)
    oarsub -p "cluster='cluster-name'" -I
    # Setup CUDA and CUDNN for Docker in the interactive node
    g5k-setup-nvidia-docker -t
    module load cudnn
    # Pull the docker image that is adapted for your usage (on g5k must be 'cuda10.1-cudnn8') 
    docker pull blavad/sdms:<version> # ex: docker pull blavad/sdms:0.7-cuda10.1-cudnn8-devel
    # (alternatively you can build the image yourself)
    # docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=nvidia/cuda:10.1-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu18.04 --build-arg LIBTORCH_URL= --target dev -t  sdms:0.1-cuda10.1-cudnn8-devel .
    # Run the docker image interactively
    docker run --rm --gpus all -ti --name sdms-dev  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/home/sdms blavad/sdms:<version>
    # Run experiments on your needs