Getting started

Installing SDM'Studio results in installing four types of files (binaries, headers, libraries and the documentation). By default, those files are located in the following repositories:

  • binaries : /usr/local/bin/
  • headers : /usr/local/include/
  • libraries : /usr/local/lib/
  • documentation : /usr/local/share/

Command Line Interface

The main program is called sdms. This program gather all functionalities of the software. Firstly, let's execute the commands below:

sdms solve -a "A*" -f "OccupancyMDP" 
sdms solve -a "HSVI" -f "OccupancyMDP" 
sdms solve -a "QLearning" -f "OccupancyMDP" -m 1 -e 0.1 -t 10000

You just solved a decentralized POMDP thanks to three different algorithms (A*, HSVI and Q-Learning). The -f parameter tells the program to use the occupancy MDP reformulation to solve it. To check the different usage of sdms, simply run sdms --help or man sdms.

    Usage : sdms COMMAND

    The best solver for sequential decision making problems.

      algorithms		Display all available algorithms.
      formalisms		Display all available formalisms.
      help			Show this help message.
      solve			Solve a sequential decision making problem using specified algorithm.
      test			Test a policy.
      version		Show the version.
      worlds		Display all available worlds.

    Run 'sdms COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

The main program uses aliases to other programs. For instance, the command sdms solve is equivalent to sdms-solve. The next command lines produce the same outputs.

sdms solve --help
sdms-solve --help

Formulating a problem

To define a new problem, one way is to write a file of the standardized format .pomdp by Anthony Cassandra. This format is described in the file tiger.dpomdp. We also consider the format .dpomdp and .posg, which are extensions of .pomdp. Predefined problems can be found in /usr/local/share/sdms/world/.

Start with the SDMS library

For a set of examples, please refer to this folder (opens new window).

Let’s write a tiny C++ file called backinduct.cpp that includes sdm/parser/parser.hpp and for now simply prints out a parsed problem:

#include <iostream>
#include <sdm/config.hpp>
#include <sdm/parser/parser.hpp>

int main() {
  auto problem = sdm::parser::parse_file(sdm::config::PROBLEM_PATH + "dpomdp/mabc.dpomdp");
  std::cout << *problem << std::endl;

Defining the transformed problems

Now that we have basic environment configured, we can dive into a much more interesting part of this turorial. First we will discuss how to transform the original problem into a problem that can be solved by dynamic programming algorithms. Then, we will show how to define a customed problem reformulation and solve it with existing algorithms

Using an existing problem reformulation

Let's consider we are looking for a way to solve a POMDP with basic MDP oriented algorithms. To this end, let's define a reformulation of the original POMDP called belief MDP.

std::shared_ptr<POMDPInterface> pomdp = sdm::parser::parse_file(sdm::config::PROBLEM_PATH + "dpomdp/mabc.dpomdp");
std::shared_ptr<BeliefMDP> belief_mdp = std::make_shared<BeliefMDP>(pomdp);

This reformulation assumes that the state transition go over beliefs instead of states. The main advantage of using this relaxation is that standard algorithms for MDP can now be applied. The full example of code is below:

#include <iostream>

#include <sdm/config.hpp>
#include <sdm/parser/parser.hpp>
#include <sdm/world/belief_mdp.hpp>
#include <sdm/algorithms/planning/backward_induction.hpp>

using namespace sdm;

int main()
    // Parse the problem file
    auto pomdp = sdm::parser::parse_file(sdm::config::PROBLEM_PATH + "dpomdp/tiger.dpomdp");
    // Recast the problem instance into a solvable interface
    auto belief_mdp = std::make_shared<BeliefMDP>(pomdp);
    // Instanciate the algorithm
    auto algo = std::make_shared<BackwardInduction>(belief_mdp);
    // Initialize and solve