Q-value functions

Improvements in the representation of the Q-value function

Tabular Q


The simplest function of QQ is the tabular function. It is represented by a simple matrix whose rows represent the states and columns the actions. This function is perfectly appropriate for cases where the state and action spaces are discrete and relatively small. Indeed, in the case of a continuous state (resp. action) space, the number of values to be stoked will tend to infinity. To face this problem, we have to define a distance between states (resp. actions) that guarantees the obtaining of a finite dimensional matrix.

Considering the case of a sufficient statistic ss defined on the (n+1)(n+1)-simplex (i.e. s[0,1]ns \in [0,1]^n and sumx=1ns(x)=1sum_{x=1}^n s(x) = 1), the tabular value function could be represented as below.


The evaluation of a new point ss depends on the ball it belongs to.

Update operator

In this case, the update of the value function for the Q-learning algorithm is written as follows.



Consider the general case of a sufficient statistic ss defined on the (n+1)(n+1)-simplex (i.e. s[0,1]ns \in [0,1]^n and sumx=1ns(x)=1sum_{x=1}^n s(x) = 1).

For any action, denoted aa, the value function Qa:[0,1]nRQ^a : [0,1]^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R} is convex and piecewise linear. It can therefore be approximated by a set of hyperplanes defined on the simplex. One of the representations used in SDMS consists in mapping BiB_i balls on the simplex to an associated hyperplane.


The evaluation of a new point ss depends on the ball it belongs to.

Update operator

The update of the value function in this case is written as follows.

During training, the value function will be updated successively and according to the generated samples. An example of execution could look like the following figure:

Successive updates

Deep Q