Class List
Here is the list of all classes, struct and interfaces used in SDM'Studio:
- namespace sdm Namespace grouping all tools required for sequential decision making.
- class ActionVFBase
- class ActionVFInterface
- class ActionVFMaxplan
- class ActionVFMaxplanLP
- class ActionVFMaxplanLPSerial
- class ActionVFMaxplanSerial
- class ActionVFMaxplanWCSP
- class ActionVFSawtoothLP
- class ActionVFSawtoothLPSerial
- class ActionVFSawtoothWCSP
- class ActionVFTabulaire
- class Algorithm The public interface common to all algorithms in SDM'Studio .
- class AlphaStar The class for the algorithm A* (opens new window) .
- class AlphaStarItem The state in terms of A* algorithm.
- class BackupBase
- class BackupInterface
- class BackupInterfaceForValueFunction
- class BackwardInduction The algorithm Backward Induction (opens new window) .
- class BaseAction A base class inheriting from the Action interface.
- class BaseBeliefMDP This class provides a way to transform a POMDP into beliefMDP formalism.
- struct BaseItem A base class inheriting from the Item interface.
- class BaseLogger This class provide a common interface for all loggers.
- class BaseObservation A base class inheriting from the Observation interface.
- class BaseOccupancyMDP This class provides a way to transform a Dec-POMDP into an occupancy MDP formalism.
- class BasePointSetValueFunction
- class BaseRelaxedValueFunction
- class BaseSerialInterface
- class BaseState A base class inheriting from the State interface.
- class BaseTabularValueFunction
- class BaseValueFunction This class is the abstract class of all kind of value functions. All {state,action,q}-value function must derived this class.
- class Belief
- class Belief2OccupancyValueFunction
- class BeliefDefault
- class BeliefInterface A common interface for objects that represent a belief.
- class BinaryFunction
- class BlindInitializer This initializer calculates the initial lower bound using the blind policy method [Hauskrecht, 1997]. Trey Smith and Reid Simmons used this initialization procedure in (opens new window) .
- class BoostSerializable
- class BoundInitializer This initializer initializes a value function to the estimation of the value if we get a constant reward at every timestep.
- class CSVLogger The CSV logger will print logs/data in a file with csv format. This logger can be used to save training data.
- class CompressibleOccupancyStateInterface
- class DecentralizedLP
- class DecisionProcessInterface The class for Discrete Markov Decision Processes.
- class DecisionRule A public interface for decision rules. Contains all the methods that must be implemented to well define a decision rule in SDMS.
- class DeterministicDecisionRule This class provide a way to manipulate data relative to a deterministic decision rule.
- class DiscreteDistribution
- class DiscreteSpace The discrete space class give a way to keep all possible values of a finite space.
- class Distribution
- class EpsGreedy
- class ExperienceMemory
- class ExperienceMemoryInterface
- class Exploration
- class FileLogger The file logger will print logs/data in a file.
- class Function
- class FunctionReward This class provides getters and setters for the reward model.
- class FunctionSpace The class for function spaces. This is helpfull in case we need to enumerate all possible functions (only usable when input space and output space are DiscreteSpace ).
- class Graph A structure to manipulate graphs.
- class GraphNode Node of graphs.
- class GymInterface
- class HSVI Heuristic Search Value Iteration (HSVI) (opens new window) and its extensions (FB-HSVI, one-sidedHSVI ).
- class HierarchicalMPOMDP The Hierarchical MPOMDP is a transformation of a standardMPOMDP assuming there exists a hierarchy among agents.
- class HierarchicalOccupancyMDP
- class HistoryInterface A common interface for objects that represent a history.
- class HistoryTree History class that use a representation by tree.
- class HyperplanValueFunction
- class IncrementalValueFunction
- class Initializer Abstract class for initializer.
- class InitializerFactory The InitializerFactor class facilitates users to interact and instanciate value function initializers. Some of the available initializers are : MinInitializer ,MaxInitializer ,BlindInitializer ,ZeroInitializer . For a complete list of initializer, you can use : std::cout <<InitializerFactory::available() << std::endl;.
- class InteractiveWorld
- class Item A public interface for actions, states and observations.
- class ItemPair
- class Iterator Common interface to all SDMS Iterators.
- class Joint This class is used for joint objects. It can be a JointHistoryTree , a JointObservation, a JointAction, etc.
- class JointDeterministicDecisionRule This class provide a way to manipulate a function that maps joint histories to joint actions.
- class JointHistoryInterface A common interface for objects that represent a joint history.
- class JointHistoryTree Joint history class that use a representation by tree.
- class LPBase
- class LPInterface
- class Logger The main logger. This logger will print logs with a given format on the output stream.
- class MDP The class for Discrete Markov Decision Processes.
- class MDPInitializer The MDP initializer enables to initialize the upper bound inHSVI with the underlyingMDP optimal value function. This is a common usage inHSVI to use the solution of a relaxation of the problem in order to get a accurate upper bound (see also the classPOMDPInitializer ).
- class MDPInterface The class for Discrete Markov Decision Processes.
- class MMDP The class for Discrete Markov Decision Processes.
- class MMDPInterface The class for Discrete Markov Decision Processes.
- class MPOMDP The class for Discrete Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes.
- class MPOMDPInterface The class for Discrete Markov Decision Processes.
- class MappedMatrix Mapped matrices are matrices that use map to store values. Can be view as a sparse matrix with templated indexes.
- class MappedVector Mapped vectors are vectors with specific type of indexes. They are represented by a map.
- class MatrixInterface The Matrix interface. To be considered as a matrix in SDM'Studio, a class must implement all the following functions.
- class MaxInitializer This initializer initializes a value function to the best value. This is an optimistic initialization.
- class MaxPlanBackup
- class MinInitializer This initializer initializes a value function to the worst value. This is a pessimistic initialization.
- class MultiDiscreteSpace This class provide a way to instantiate multi discrete space (i.e. list of discrete spaces). Typically it is used to store a set of spaces, one by agent (i.e. action_spaces in POSG). This can be view as a set of discrete spaces or as a discrete space of joint items.
- class MultiLogger The multi logger will print logs in several loggers.
- class MultiSpace A multi-space is a set a spaces.
- class NetworkedDistributedPOMDP
- class Node
- class NetworkedDistributedPOMDPInterface
- class Observation A public interface for observations.
- class ObservationDynamicsInterface This class provides a common interface for every models of observation dynamics.
- class OccupancyState An occupancy state refers to the complete knowledge the central planner have access to take decisions.
- class OccupancyStateInterface A common interface for objects that represent an occupancy state.
- class POMDP The class for Discrete Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes.
- class POMDPInitializer The POMDP initializer enables to initialize the upper bound inHSVI with the underlyingPOMDP optimal value function.
- class POMDPInterface The class for Discrete Markov Decision Processes.
- class PrivateHierarchicalOccupancyMDP
- class PrivateHierarchicalOccupancyMDPWithHistory
- class PrivateOccupancyState A private occupancy state is an occupancy state (i.e. ).
- class QInitializer Abstract class for initializer.
- class QLearning Q-Learning and its extensions (DQN, etc).
- class QValueBackupInterface
- class QValueFunction This class is the abstract class of value function. All value function must derived this class.
- class QValueFunctionConditioning
- class RecursiveMap The recursive map class (i.e. map<T0, map<T1, ..... , map<TN-1, TN>)
- class RecursiveMap< T0, T1 > RecursiveMap specialization when it is simple map.
- class RecursiveMap< T0, T1, T2, Ts... >
- class RelaxedValueFunction
- class ReplayMemory
- class RewardInterface This class provides a common interface for every models of reward.
- class SerialInterface A common interface for objects that are serialized.
- class SerialMMDPInterface The class for Discrete Markov Decision Processes.
- class SerialMPOMDPInterface The class for Discrete Markov Decision Processes.
- class SerialOccupancyInterface
- class SerialOccupancyMDP
- class SerialOccupancyState
- class SerialProblemInterface
- class SerializedMMDP
- class SerializedMPOMDP
- class SerializedState
- struct Set
- class SolvableByDP Public interface that must be implemented by all transformed problems that can be solved using HSVI (i.e. beliefMDP, occupancyMDP, occupancyGame, etc).
- class SolvableByHSVI Public interface for problems that can be solved using HSVI (i.e. beliefMDP, occupancyMDP, occupancyGame, etc).HSVI can be used to solve the problem that implement this interface.
- class SolvableByMDP The class for Markov Decision Processes.
- class Space This class is an abstract interface that all spaces should inherite.
- class State A public interface for states.
- class State2OccupancyValueFunction
- class StateDynamicsInterface This class provides a common interface for every models of state dynamics.
- class StateGraph A graph that keep all beliefs.
- class StdLogger The standard logger will print logs on the standard output stream.
- class StochasticDecisionRule The stochastic decision rule class. This class is a function that maps generic states distribution over generic actions.
- class TabularBackup
- class TabularObservationDynamics Tabular observation dynamics.
- class TabularObservationDynamicsAS Tabular representation for the observation dynamics p(o' | a, s').
- class TabularObservationDynamicsS Tabular representation for the observation dynamics p(o' | s').
- class TabularObservationDynamicsSAS Tabular representation for the observation dynamics p(o' | s, a, s').
- class TabularQValueBackup
- class TabularQValueFunction
- class TabularQValueFunctionConditioning
- class TabularReward This class provide a way to represent the reward model with a tabular representation.
- class TabularStateDynamics Tabular representation for the state dynamics.
- class TemporalFunction
- class TensorImpl The vector interface. To be considered as a vector in SDM'Studio, a class must implement all the following functions.
- class TransformedMPOMDP
- class Tree Generic Tree class.
- class ValueFunction This class is the abstract class of value function. All value function must derived this class.
- class ValueFunctionFactory The ValueFunctionFactory class facilitates users to interact and instanciate value functions.
- class ValueInitializer This initializer initializes a value function to a constant value.
- class ValueIteration Value Iteration (opens new window) forMDP .
- class VarNaming
- class Variations Iterator ofVariations .
- class VectorInterface The vector interface. To be considered as a vector in SDM'Studio, a class must implement all the functions of the interface.
- class World
- class ZeroInitializer This initializer initializes a value function to zero.
- namespace algo Namespace grouping functions to manipulate algorithms.
- namespace ast Namespace that is used by the parser.
- struct discrete_space_encoder encodes the input into a discrete space class
- struct dpomdp_encoder
- struct dpomdp_printer
- struct dpomdp_t
- struct identifier_t
- struct item_encode encodes the input into a item index (string))
- struct joint_item_encode encodes the input into a joint element (vector of number)
- struct matrix_encoder encodes the input into a mapped matrix
- struct matrix_t
- struct multi_discrete_space_encoder encodes the input into a multi discrete space class
- class obs_dynamics_encoder
- struct observation_entry_1_t
- struct observation_entry_2_t
- struct observation_entry_3_t
- struct observation_entry_t
- struct observation_transition_encoder encodes the input into an observation dynamic class
- struct real_vector_t
- struct reward_entry_1_t
- struct reward_entry_2_t
- struct reward_entry_t
- class state_dynamics_encoder encodes state transition dynamics (i.e. TabularStateDynamics class)
- struct state_encoder encodes the input into a vector of number (vector of states) "*" -> [0,1,2,3,4,...,n] "s0" -> [0] 0 -> [0]
- class state_transition_encoder encodes state transition dynamics (i.e. TabularStateDynamics class)
- struct str_visitor
- struct tabular_reward_encoder
- struct tabular_rewards_encoder
- struct transition_entry_1_t
- struct transition_entry_2_t
- struct transition_entry_3_t
- struct transition_entry_t
- struct value_t
- struct values_t
- struct vector_encoder encodes the input into a mapped vector
- namespace common Namespace grouping all common functions to the whole project.
- namespace config Namespace grouping a set of configurations.
- struct equal_container
- struct equal_from_ptr
- namespace exception Namespace grouping all exceptions.
- class Exception This class is the base class for SDMS exceptions.
- class FileNotFoundException File not found exception.
- class NotImplementedException Not implemented method exception.
- class ParsingException Developpers use this class to raise a parsing exception.
- struct hash_container
- struct hash_from_ptr
- namespace iterator Namespace grouping all SDMS iterators.
- class CombinationIterator The combination iterator provides a way to go simultaneously over multiple iterators in order to generate all combinations of items.
- class FunctionIterator The function iterator is an SDMS iterator generating functions from iterable possible inputs and outputs.
- class SuperIterator A super iterator is an SDMS iterator that simply iterate over a standard STD iterator.
- namespace nn Namespace grouping all neural networks definitions.
- struct DQNImpl
- namespace parser Namespace grouping all functions for parsing files.
- struct error_handler_base
- class sdmsMatrix
- class sdmsVector Create a SDMS Vector. A SMDS Vector is used to optimize the calculation, however, you have to be careful when using it because it's not possible to add element after the initialization.
- namespace tools Namespace grouping different kind of tools.
- namespace world Namespace grouping functions to manipulate problems.
- namespace std
- struct Compare
- class MultipleInheritableEnableSharedFromThis
- struct Performance
- struct hash< sdm::Belief >
- struct hash< sdm::DeterministicDecisionRule >
- struct hash< sdm::JointDeterministicDecisionRule >
- struct hash< sdm::MappedMatrix< TLig, TCol, TValue > >
- struct hash< sdm::OccupancyState >
- struct hash< sdm::Pair< T, U > >
- struct hash< sdm::SerialOccupancyState >
- struct hash< sdm::SerializedState >
- struct hash< sdm::Tuple< TT... > >
- struct hash< std::vector< T > >
- class inheritable_enable_shared_from_this
- struct is_any
- namespace @111